Thursday, December 27, 2007

What do you do with a list and a love of journalism?

Today I am bothered by the thought of what exactly I was put on this Earth to do. Being a college student, I find myself full of random things that I THINK I could do. After all, I am pretty sure that I want to go into journalism, but man does that word have such a bad definition that comes with it. I'm sure that most people think "uh, in-your-face reporting, crime scenes, digging up the dirt, celebrity gossip..who on earth would want to do that?" Well most of it doesn't describe me at all, but "digging up the dirt," now we are on to something. Part of me would really like to do documentary type things, and another part of me would love to go into the magazine business, another idea is online news, but I'm just not sure what is going to be a stable position in the near future. Maybe by starting this blog I will begin to realize what exactly I would be happy doing for the part/the rest of my life.

List of what I want in a career/job: (I make lists for EVERYTHING I do.)
1. Interview/Interact with people. The more I learn from others, the happier I am.
2. A role-model. I want to be respected and strong. There are not a lot of women for girls to look up to these days.
3. Unpredictability. No cubicle, boring, same-o everyday stuff. I like to be in the know.
4. Variety please. Politics and news are cool, I just don't want to be old/depressed before my time.
5. Organization. Even though I do want things to be "spur of the moment" I still need to be efficient. No half ass/incomplete jobs will have this girl's name on it.
6. Design. Even though I'm not a "photo-shop queen," I do enjoy the creation of layouts. I was editor of my high school yearbook..does that tell you anything?
7. Creativity. I don't want to work somewhere that I feel I have to bite my tongue in order to keep my job, I should get to write/express anything that I feel would have a positive influence on others.
8. Optimism. I am an upbeat person and lazy, negative, pessimistic people really bring me down, so I need a good working environment.
9. Do it different. I really don't aspire to live my life working under someone else's dream. That's a good start, but eventually I want to do things as I vision them. I want to "make my own path."
10. Not all about me. Journalism is known as a competitive and cut throat type of career, but I simply do not want to live my life selfishly. It's not all about me, me, me. All though I know success comes with sacrifice, I DO NOT want to be the old lady alone with a bunch of cats.

The list is done..Now what?

Peace, Love, and thanks for reading,


**Quote of the day: "You're the cheese to my macaroni."

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