Friday, January 2, 2009

Tuve aprender el espanol en dos mil ocho.

2008: A Year on the brink of "Change"

'08 has been a year that has brought many of us down, but a lot of promises are being made that guarantee 2009 will be a little brighter, and that "change" is upon us. There are a lot of skeptics, but I am trying to stay positive, despite the murkie outlook.

First of all, I'm proud to say I did live up to a lot of the goals I set-forth last year. Such as:

  • David and I are still together and lovely (2 years!!!)

  • I have managed to keep good grades and I got a GREAT new scholarship that began in the fall.

  • I did find a new place to work that is beneficial to my career-goal: Kpt. Times News. I'm working in sports which has been a big adjustment, but I'm learning. Plus, I love a good challenge.

  • Made some new friends along the way.

  • Bought a "new-to-me" car and on my very own! I love Sammy!

  • Yep, I finally got a vacation and it was a great week! (Well there were a few moments I could have done without..brr)

  • And I managed to get closer to my family, but there's still work to be done there.

There was only one thing I didn't do: Start playing the guitar again. If only there was enough time in the day!!

2008 Accomplishments/Happenings:

  • East Tennessean - began writing in Jan. I got the opportunity to do some really great stories that I think helped me get the job at Times News. I even started my own "go-to girl" column, in which I got to talk about coupons and bargains - so much fun!

  • Took my first two journalism courses and loved them both. Learned AP style and some cool old school journalism stories from Mr. Anderson.

  • Won a journalism award. I was shocked! I had to double check to make sure it was possible that a freshman could win it, but sure enough it was a scholarship especially for first year journalism students. I got to go to a fancy ceremony that lasted forever, but was still fun.

  • David graduated!! Then we went to the beach with his family and some friends. Very interesting/fun times I will never forget.

  • I continued to work in Financial Aid, even during the summer. It was absolutely the craziest work environment I have ever been in. No stressful situation can compare to crabby, spoiled, demanding college students yelling at you or cussing you in person or over the phone. Plus, the parents make it even worse!! I tried my best to be a dependable worker and the experience really improved my work ethic.

  • I took Spanish - over the summer. Man, foreign language is waaay harder than prob. and stats. I was in class Mon-Fri at 800 am. Then worked until 430 and did homework until it was time for bed. It was a very stressful five weeks. I got through it and was ready for college level..Proud to say I made an A and I only have one class left of it.

  • Got some new roommates. Erica and Kristen are great company and I love all the cute stuff they brought to brighten up the place. Plus, they cook some yummy food!

  • Turned 20. Its a confusing age, I'm no longer a teen, but not yet an adult. I'm basically a drifter until the big 2-1.

  • Became more comfortable with my own skin. David helped me with that, but I'm still realizing its just okay to be me and nothing more. I think I grew up a lot in '08, but I still have a lot to learn.

Wow, I must say that is a pretty nice list of accomplishments, but I'm not finished. I want to continue to grow in every way possible.

Goals (Not to be confused with resolutions):

  • Acquire a more professional tone when talking to others, especially in interviews, in class and at work. I don't want to lose the lovely East TN accent, just modify it a little.

  • Write as much as possible and get published somewhere new.

  • Get a regular workout schedule going and start shooting b-ball again. I miss it.

  • Begin playing the guitar again.
  • Figure out my minor..bleh!

If you got this far; Thanks. I would really appreciate any of your thoughts and comments on this post and/or blog.

Happy Two-Thousand and Nine!

A. Marsh

1 comment:

G-Ray said...

I like your blog, and much kudos to all you got done this year. My year, as far as goals (which I didn't really set anyway, cause I'm mega lazy), pales in comparison to yours. So good job making me feel like a sloth :D

I had the same problem with guitar a while back. Between work, school, and anything else that happened, I felt like I had no time for music, which is easily the most important thing in my life. So that was a bummer, but I worked it out now.

20, eh? Nice! As for the drifter point, I do quite agree. Being between 18 and 21 is a bit odd, as you're an adult, but not really. I honestly think they should pick a damn age and stick with it, but that is a humongous rant for another time when you do a blog about it.

I'll have to pick up a KTS some time and look for your byline!
