Thursday, June 26, 2008

Is our generation ready?

Well after my previous environmental ranting post, I am saddened to say that a "Dominion" Coal burning plant will be making its way into an area near to us. Although Wise Co. VA is in another state, the pollution this plant will emit will more than likely have an effect on the surrounding area. (Well that's an opinion, but Dominion Reps and Gov. officials say that it will be an innovative facility with a significant reduction in harmful emissions.)

I map quested it, and from Church Hill it's only 60ish miles to Wise. TVA's John Sevier Plant is in Rogersville, which is wonderful. Here we are surrounded by this lovely clean air, NOT. I so desperately wish I was smart enough to come up with a way for us to be less dependant on fossil fuels, but all I am really good at is just informing you about it....

So, being a part of the next generation of world leaders, workers, parents, and voters; I think its important for us all to keep our eyes on the future and that means keeping informed with what's going on today.

Celebrity news is great, but there are real issues being decided upon right now, especially in our nation's supreme court system. Within the past week or so they have voted to allow terrorists the same rights as American citizens. (Who would want to be a lawyer for a terrorist? Not me!)
They also decided that people convicted of rape can not be sentenced to the death penalty.

Weather you agree or disagree with the decisions currently being made by our Fed. Government is not my concern. I just want people to care about the issues and what it means for the future.

Okay. I have ranted enough...
Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

G-Ray said...

I lament that you haven't harangued us with anything new or exciting on yon blog. I understand school's been in, so maybe you'll have something over the holiday?
